“…Who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart…
…He shall receive the blessings from the Lord” Palms 24:3-5
My brother, who lives in Denver, is such an example to me of someone who has clean hands and a pure heart. He has endured many trials in his life, but he has never wavered in his faith. He has attended the Denver temple faithfully during these trials and is now a temple worker. Thomas S Monson has said, “Temples are more than stone and mortar. They are filled with faith and fasting. They are built of trials and testimony. They are sanctified by sacrifice and service.” This describes my brother and I dedicate this painting to him. He has the gift of service and is always willing to help. He helped me with this picture in choosing the angle and the colors. I originally painted the picture with a light “eastern” sky but he taught me that Colorado has beautiful, very blue, clear skies.
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